Green Eid Gift Guide


As Ramadan comes to a close, most of us are preparing for the upcoming celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim month of fasting.  Part of the tradition includes exchanging gifts with loved ones and spending time with family and friends. To add an environmental slant to the celebration; this year consider purchasing products that are sustainable, ethically sourced or fair trade.  Some suggestions from both Canadian and international retailers are listed below of products that not only make good gifts, but also minimize the impact on the environment.

Green Toys

Eastern Toybox is a company offers a wide range of eco-friendly, fair trade and handmade products made by socially and environmentally conscious artisans. They carry a wide range of unique toys, stationery and decor from Turkey, India, Indonesia and Germany as well as locally sourced products from Canada and the United States. Some of the more novel items include hijaushka, whimsical wooden nesting dolls and Mecca Tours, a handmade, hand painted wooden bus with 4 Hajjis.


Green Fashion

For those more into fashion, the Azadi Project is a retailer that offers high quality, ethical products that ensures their producers provide fair wages and dignified working conditions. They offer an assortment of clothing from dresses and shirts to purses and jewelry. What impressed us most is that they clearly outline their fair trade standards and offer profiles of the artisans they source their products from. Their Saidpur Tote is an example of their commitment to working with rural communities in Bangladesh, a country that has recently been in the spotlight for its safety practices.



Green Books

The gift of knowledge is often the most treasured, so why not share it with friends and family. Green Deen by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin is a good primer on what Islam teaches us about protecting the environment. A Picnic of Poems by Dawud Warnsby is a collection of poems and songs for children that educates them about the importance of caring for each other and nature. Green Muslims by Luqman Nagy takes a historical perspective examining the contributions Muslim civilization has made in the field of environmentalism and sustainability.

Green Books

Green Causes

World Wildlife Fund Canada is one of the country’s leading conservation organizations whose goal is to prevent the degradation of the natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Their online store offers several products that follow this mandate, such as organic clothing and books. They also offer ‘animal adoptions’ which includes a personalized certificate, a plush toy and details on the work this gift will support.


Eating less meat is more Islamic


Kebab By: Joseph Mayton

The Qu'ran reminds us animals and birds are 'communities like you'. So why do so many Muslims break their fast with meat?

For most of the billion-plus Muslims who sit down each evening to break their Ramadan fast, meat will be on the menu. Lots of it. But how Islamic is eating meat?

Not very, according to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, who argues that historically Muslims ate so little meat they were almost vegetarian. "Meat is not a necessity in sharia, and in the old days most Muslims used to eat meat – if they were wealthy, like middle class – once a week on Friday. If they were poor – on the Eids."

In today's world, meat-eating has taken on a new fervour, with many Muslims demanding animal flesh as part of their daily diet. Just the other day, an Egyptian journalist was relating to me how he attended a dinner at a local organisation here in Cairo. When people arrived, questions began to fly across the hall: "Where is the meat? We aren't going to have enough for everyone."

According to a recent study by the Egyptian cabinet's Information and Decision Support Centre, 89% of Egyptians eat more than 2kg of meat monthly. This figure rises along with social class. The study revealed that wealthy Egyptians often consume more than 8kg of meat each month.

The prophet Muhammad was not an advocate of daily meat-eating. Instead, the Islamic Concern website says, he warned his followers against constant meat consumption as it could become "addictive". It seems that 1,500 years later his concerns are not being heeded.

Early Islamic leaders and scholars repeatedly emphasised that animals were to be cherished and treated in a humane manner, but many Muslims nowadays view animals as the dominion of people. A sheikh at the Egyptian ministry of religious endowments told me: "Animals are slaves for human purposes. They were put here for us to eat, so talk of vegetarianism is un-Islamic."

This statement by the ministry official goes against everything the prophet stood for, in the opinion of Gamal al-Banna, a prominent Islamic scholar who has come under attack in recent years for his "liberal" stance. Al-Banna told me that being a vegetarian and Muslim does not break any tradition and is in no way un-Islamic.

"When someone becomes vegetarian they do so for a number of reasons: compassion, environment and health reasons," he began. "As a Muslim, I believe that the prophet would want the followers to be healthy, compassionate and not destroy our environment. If someone believes not eating meat is that way, it is not like they are going to go to hell for it. It may be the right thing to do."

Al-Banna continued, when I asked him about the Eid al-Adha sacrifice (which many argue is obligatory), that any Muslim who believes in being vegetarian does not have to slaughter a sheep. "In today's modern world, ideas and religion change and Islam is no different. We must not remain rigid in our understanding of faith to mean the blind acceptance of anything, killing living beings included. There is no obligation to kill."

Others disagree, arguing that meat-eating is part of the Islamic tradition and, thus, vegetarianism is a foreign notion for the Middle East. Muslims who eat meat at every iftar (fast-breaking evening meal) this month undoubtedly believe they are doing the right thing. On the other hand, the idea that animals are merely slaves to humans is not only abhorrent to animal-rights advocates, but seems to be at odds with the prophet's teaching.

Some would argue that the prayer said before halal slaughtering is part of Islam's humanity when animals are killed for food. This may have been true historically, but in today's "halal" slaughterhouses, a pre-recorded prayer often blares nonstop as the animals are lined up and killed. That is a cop-out from what Islam teaches about "humane" slaughter.

Ultimately, the argument is simple. The Qur'an reveals that all living animals are sentient beings, just as human beings are.

"There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings – but they are communities like you." (Qur'an, 6:38)

Joseph Mayton is an American journalist based in Cairo, Egypt. He is currently working on a book about the Muslim Brotherhood and is founder/editor of Bikya Masr website.

This article was originally published in The Guardian on August 26, 2010. 

Photo Credit: ugod

Hungry for Change? Impact Hunger


By Shehnaz Toorawa

When we fast in Ramadan, we inevitably think of those who feel hunger every day of the year. Can you imagine if no food was available at sunset? Millions of people face this crisis—their hunger doesn’t end at sunset. We know the grim statistics: 850 million people in the world are undernourished (that’s one in every six human beings), 5.6 million children under the age of five die from hunger-related illness each year. Yet, our world produces enough food to feed twice the global population.

So why are people hungry? A lack of power and justice, not a lack of food, causes hunger. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said,

If anyone fulfills his brother’s needs, Allah (glorified and exalted be He) will fulfill his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah (glorified and exalted be He) will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection’’ [Bukhari and Muslim].

Here are 8 easy and effective ways to change your eating habits so you can help end hunger in the world today:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Livestock consumes 80% of the grain the United States produces. In Mexico, where poverty and hunger are abundant, 45% of the nation’s grain is fed to livestock. In most industrial nations, corporations raise animals in factory farms that consume huge quantities of grain, water, hormones and electricity, and produce tonnes of toxic wastes. A diet high in grain-fed meat consumes two to four times more land than a vegetarian diet. If everyone ate meat at the North American rate, the world would run out of farmland and food! Try to reduce your share of the world’s food and energy by eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat. 

2. Eat locally grown food

The farther food travels before it reaches your plate, the less money the rural farmer retains. When you purchase coffee grown in Uganda, for example, 10% of the profit goes to the farmer and 90% is consumed by giant North American corporations that import and process the coffee. The farther food travels, the more energy it consumes for pesticides, preservatives, ripening, packaging, processing, transportation and sales. The food processing industry in the United States consumes ten calories of fossil fuel energy for every calorie of food energy it produces.

In North America, we like to eat all our fruits and vegetables in winter. To meet this demand, governments of developing countries subsidize and encourage farmers to plant one-crop monocultures for export. This leaves small farmers unable to grow food for their families and communities. With one crop to rely on, farmers in the developing world become vulnerable when market prices fall or a disease hits their crop. Monocultures need high inputs of hazardous pesticides that threaten the health of farmers and their environment.

This winter, forget the guavas and mangoes. Find the local farmer’s market and buy what’s in season. When you buy local, you avoid an unjust food trade system that keeps the poor hungry.

3. Choose organic food

Conventional farming, especially monocultures, requires high inputs of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation that eventually degrade soils. 30 million hectares from the world’s 240 million irrigated hectares are severely damaged by salt build-up. Almost a third of the world’s cropland is abandoned due to soil erosion. A lack of land forces many farmers to clear and destroy forest land that cannot sustain agriculture. Pesticides and fertilizers trap farmers in a cycle of spending more and more on chemical inputs as insects become immune and the land loses its fertility. Eventually small farmers in developing countries fall into debt or degrade their land and are forced into poverty.

Organic farming uses natural methods to protect the quality of agricultural land and soil and ensure that the land can continue to produce food. Organic agriculture may be the best way to ensure a continuous world food supply and protect the health of farmers and consumers. Each organic product you buy supports farmers who care about hunger and the environment.

4. Buy fair trade food

Fair trade eliminates injustices in the trade system and guarantees farmers a minimum price for their crop, enough to sustain their families. Fair trade shortens the market chain for products, allowing the farmer to receive a higher proportion of the profits. Fair trade standards require the farmer to follow environmentally and socially ethical agricultural practices. A portion of the profit from fair trade products funds social development projects in the farmer’s community. Currently, fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit, rice, and spices are available in North America. The next time you go to a grocery store, look for the fair trade logo.  Every fair trade purchase prevents hunger in a poor farming community.

5. Avoid genetically modified food

Genetically modified crops are “owned” by corporations that have a monopoly on the seeds. Farmers cannot save the seeds for re-planting. They must purchase new seeds from the company each year and must succumb to the corporation’s regulations and prices. As more and more crops become genetically modified, our food becomes a ‘product’ rather than a renewable resource. GM crops pose health risks because they are not tested for environmental and health effects and are not subject to government safety regulations. Do your best to avoid GM products to prevent our food from becoming a corporate commodity, controlled by a few large companies.

6. Buy less and avoid wasting food

On average, an individual in a developed nation consumes twice as much grain, twice as much fish, and three times as much meat as an individual in a developing nation. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) warned us that

“No man fills a container worse than his stomach. A few morsels that keep his back upright are sufficient for him. If he has to, then he should keep one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for his breathing” [At-Tirmidhi].

Along with overeating, North Americans waste large amounts of food. 30% of consumable food in the United States is lost in retailing, food service, and consumers. The Quran tells us to

“eat and drink: but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess” [7:31]

Help end hunger with a commitment to buy less, eat less and waste less food.

7. Choose charities that make people independent

Food aid from rich nations does not help hunger. Rich nations often dump surplus grain on poor nations, as “food aid”. This “aid” rises and falls to maintain the market price of commodities in rich countries. Food dumping reduces the price of farmers’ crops in developing nations. Farmers cannot sell their produce and earn enough to invest in future crops.

Poor farmers need long-term solutions. They need investments and interest-free loans to buy land or equipment so they can diversify their crops and survive times of drought or falling prices. When you send Zakat overseas, choose a charity that helps people become independent, rather than dependent on aid.

8. Write letters

Change the world with your words. Encourage governments to cancel the high interest debts owed to them by developing countries. The Quran warns,

O you who have believed, fear Allah (glorified and exalted be He) (glorified and exalted is He) and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers“ [2:278] 

Debt repayments to rich countries prevent poor countries from spending on poverty, hunger and welfare of their citizens. Start a family letter-writing campaign to eliminate debt and hunger.

Hunger in the world is intimately connected with what we, in North America, choose to buy and eat. Decide as a family to earn extra rewards by changing the way you eat so you can impact hunger. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said,

If any Muslim feeds a Muslim when he is hungry, Allah (glorified and exalted be He) will feed him with some of the fruits of Paradise” [Sunan Abi Dawud].

Shehnaz Toorawa is a teacher with a degree in education,  professional writing and geography. She also holds a Shariah degree from the American Open University. She is a busy homeschooling mother of three and is active in the Toronto community and currently host a blog called myinkspiration.

This article was originally published November 5, 2012 on ProductiveMuslim. Photo credit from ginnerobot.

Alhamdulillah for Watermelons

Watermelons Final Watermelons are not only a refreshing way to break your fast during Ramadan, but provide you with a boost of vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, B and B6. It also contains the highest concentration of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is known to fight heart disease and several types of cancer. Watermelons also are a great source of potassium that help maintain a proper electrolyte and acid-base balance, perfect for rehydrating after fasting. This summer put down the deep-fried sugary sweets and grab a slice of refreshing watermelon instead.

Photo Credit: Harsha K R

The “Alhamdulillah Series” was inspired by Ruzky Aliyar who featured a series of nature images with the tagline “Alhamdulillah”. The series was profiled on Muslim Matters during the Winter of 2012 and quickly drew praise for the simplicity of the message. Building upon this effort to remember the many blessings of Allah, has picked up the initiative and will continue to highlight the many signs of Allah.

“There truly are signs in this for people who reflect.” (Quran 13:3)

Ramadan Healthy Eating Guide

Ramadan Food “Nothing is worse than a person who fills his stomach. It should be enough for the son of Adam to have a few bites to satisfy his hunger. If he wishes more, it should be: One-third for his food, one-third for his liquids, and one-third for his breath.”- Tirmidhi

Islam encourages Muslims to be mindful of their health and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised Muslims to lead a healthy lifestyle which includes a balanced diet, regular mental and physical exercise and a balance between material and spiritual needs. The holy month of Ramadan is meant to recharge our spiritual batteries through, among other vices, abstaining from food and drink during the daylight hours. However, the foods we eat at dawn and dusk have a profound impact on our bodies and our overall health.

The Ramadan Health Guide was developed by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom in conjunction with Communities in Action, a civic action organization based in Devon, UK. The goal of the guide is to help Muslims understand the health issues related to fasting, and to make informed choices that minimize complications and maximize the benefit of your fast. Fasting can be rewarding experience meant purify both the body and soul. If proper precautions are taken, it can also lead to healthy lifestyle changes that can benefit you throughout the year.

The guide is divided into six sections that examine the different aspects of fasting including:

1)      The physiological changes that occur during the fast

2)      Foods the benefit and foods that harm

3)      Spirituality and food

4)      What you can gain from fasting

5)      Potential health complications and possible remedies

6)      Tips for healthcare professionals

Healthy Ramadan

Overall this resource provides a comprehensive and concise overview of steps that can be taken to ensure a healthy Ramadan. The suggestions that are provided are both scientific and culturally sensitive, and can be practically incorporated into your routine. Key sections of the guide have also been translated into several languages to reach out to the broader Muslim community. As always, be sure to consult your physician before fasting if you have pre-existing health issues or concerns.

Download: Ramadan Health Guide

National Health Service Healthy Ramadan:

Photo Credit: raasiel

Green Ramadan Switch

ZeroTrashIftarKit Recently had the opportunity to the interview Kori Majeed, the founder of the Green Ramadan Switch, an innovative initiative aimed at increasing awareness about waste during the month of Ramadan. She shares with us her inspiration and motivation for going green and highlights the importance of being aware of the environmental consequences of our actions.

1) Briefly share with our readers a little bit about yourself. How did you become interested in the environmental field?

I'm a "military brat" -- in the best sense of the word -- so although I was born in Alabama, I rarely lived in a place for more than 4 years until I got married. I graduated from Spelman College with a B.S. in Computer Science and afterwards was commissioned as an officer in the US Air Force. I worked at the Pentagon for 4 years, during which I got married, went on Hajj, and then transitioned into web development for a DC non-profit. I stopped working after I had our first child. I couldn't bring myself to give her to someone else for 8-10 hours out of the day. I did freelance web work for a while and got my Masters from Johns Hopkins University after having my second child. My husband and I decided to move to Amman, Jordan to study Arabic at Qasid Institute. While there, I had my third child. We came back to the States for a bit, then headed to central Turkey where my husband taught ESL at a private high school while I homeschooled our girls and we enjoyed the amazing hospitality, culture and food of the Turks. You might have guessed that I had our fourth child while in Turkey. We returned to the States and eventually settled down in the DC area. My husband works in Network Security, while I continue to homeschool our gaggle of four girls and blog about it. I'm also a serial small-time entrepreneur and Girl Scout Troop Advisor with Troop 3480 at Prince George's Muslim Association in Lanham, Maryland. My husband and I are also working to create Good Tree Village, the first Muslim cohousing community in the DC-area, inshaAllah.

My interest in environmental issues began to blossom when I had children. No, probably when they were in utero. In trying to provide the best for our children, I think parents start to question everything: Is the hospital the best place to give birth? What is in those vaccines? What was used to grow that food? That meat has WHAT in it? Did we check for lead paint? Can I teach my children better than the local school system? Our children are a trust to us, on loan from Allah. Am I doing my best with this beautiful loan? I'm just my thankful that my husband always supported me or at least heard me out and gave my "crunchy" ideas a go.

2) What is the Green Ramadan Switch? What motivated you to create this campaign and what are the goals?

Last year I became saddened & disgusted by all the trash we Muslims create at community iftars during Ramadan, both at the masjid and in private homes.  The bags of trash didn’t correspond with the blessings of eating in community during this sacred month. So, I decided to try to curb the impact of my own family. I researched reusable dinnerware that would add to the significance of the occasion while being sustainable, stylish and affordable. I always got positive feedback after people questioned why my family was the only one eating off of "prison-style" food trays. In early February of this year, I decided to try to share my version of a Green Ramadan and help others make the Green Ramadan Switch from disposable styrofoam, plastic and paper products to a smart, reusable and sustainable Zero-Trash Iftar Kit.

Sometimes it is challenging and slow to effect change at a masjid, so I see Green Ramadan's Zero-Trash Iftar Kit as a way for individuals to make a positive impact on the sustainability of their Ramadan.  InshaAllah masajids will catch on and, in preparation for Ramadan, make an initial investment in reusable dinnerware instead of wasting money on huge boxes of styrofoam plates, plastic cutlery and paper napkins every year -- in effect, preparing to create a whole lot of trash.

It's my goal to help 1000 Muslims green their Ramadan this year by doing a simple, thoughtful, easy good deed: reducing the amount of waste we create at iftars. No more single-use water bottles. No more non-biodegradable styrofoam plates, bowls & cups. No more plastic cutlery. I'm helping Muslims make the Green Ramadan Switch to a stainless-steel food tray, BPA-free tumbler, bamboo cutlery and cloth napkin: all of which are reusable, sustainable and pretty cool-looking. Plus, there is a reusable bag to carry it all in.


3) Briefly explain what is the Zero-Trash Iftar Kit. How did you come up with this idea and what has been the response?

I have children, so I wanted the Kit to be washable, reusable, durable and cool. Some people bring out special decorations and dish sets for Ramadan. Our tradition is to bring our Zero-Trash Iftar Kits to community iftars.

Every item in a Green Ramadan Zero-Trash Iftar Kit is either reusable, responsibly-made, sustainable, or all of the above. The Kit includes a stainless steel divided food tray (my kids don't like their food to touch); a bamboo fork, knife and spoon (there is so much noise when bamboo comes in contact with stainless steel); a BPA-free tumbler with straw that's pretty close to spill-proof; a cloth napkin (a touch of class); and a reusable bag in which to carry it all.

The environmental benefit of Zero-Trash Iftar Kits is that it replaces disposable (and sometimes even toxic) styrofoam, plastic and paper plates, cups, straws, cutlery, napkins & paper towels, and plastic water bottles with a Kit that we can use over and over again every Ramadan, inshaAllah.

4) During Ramadan there often is a lot of waste and excess. What are some lessons you would like to share with the Muslim community when it comes to making their Ramadan more environmentally-friendly? 

Simple, small deeds can make a huge impact for our local community and for the world. A Green Ramadan is a return to mindfulness in our actions and we can take the habits we cultivate in Ramadan and use them throughout the year. A Green Ramadan is a return to the Sunnah. We can turn the water to a trickle when making wudu. We can eliminate waste by using reusable dinnerware at home and in community. We can eat modest portions of food. We can eat meat only on weekends or eat vegetarian at least once a week. We can carpool. We can plant something.

5) How has the Muslim community responded to this project? How do you plan on building on the campaign in the future?

The response has been amazing, alhamdullilah! Green Muslims are coming out of the bamboo woodworks. I've gotten lots of positive feedback, constructive criticism and requests for customization. Green Ramadan has been on facebook for less than a month and already has over 120 likes. One woman decided she would make a better, greener, longer-lasting impact by investing in Zero-Trash Iftar Kits for her masjid rather than sponsoring an iftar. Right now Green Ramadan's focus is eliminating waste at iftars, however in the future I'd like to focus on other areas including water conservation, recycling, composting, portion control & reducing food waste, gardening & permaculture, and eating less meat.

For more information about the Green Ramadan Switch and to purchase a Zero-Trash Iftar Kit, please visit: or

Alhamdulillah for Spiders


"The example of those who take allies other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew." (Quran 29:41)

This is how Allāh described the idolators in their reverence of gods besides Him, hoping that they would help them and provide for them, and turning to them in times of difficulties. In this regard, they were like the house of a spider, which is so weak and frail, because by clinging to these gods they were like a person who holds on to a spider's web, who does not gain any benefit from that. If they knew this, they would not take any protectors besides Allāh.” - Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Photo Credit: Spider Dog

The “Alhamdulillah Series” was inspired by Ruzky Aliyar who featured a series of nature images with the tagline “Alhamdulillah”. The series was profiled on Muslim Matters during the Winter of 2012 and quickly drew praise for the simplicity of the message. Building upon this effort to remember the many blessings of Allah, has picked up the initiative and will continue to highlight the many signs of Allah.

“There truly are signs in this for people who reflect.” (Quran 13:3)

Environmental Justice in Islam

Sunrise By Khaled Dardir

Is what am I doing harming another living being on Earth?

Is being equal the same as being “ecoual”?

For thousands of years man has had a symbiotic relationship with the environment. We took only what was needed, and did not take any excess from the land. Did the Prophet (PBUH) say anything about saving our planet? Did he promote any ideas or practices to ameliorate the growing concern about the future of the Earth and its resources? The Prophet (PBUH) was probably the first environmentalist, born over 1400 years ago, he took care of every creature he came across.

Indeed, all of nature, in the Islamic view, is in a state of continuous worship. Trees and grasses, fish and animals, are all bending in a sweet, invisible breeze that wafts their worship back toward their creator. Human beings can learn from this process of unwavering devotion and seek harmony with it by joining with other creations in worship of Allah.

What Allah left for us is a trust; everything is a blessing. Islam expresses great concern for the environment. A number of verses in the Qur’an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad  have addressed this topic.

Ibn Mas'ood  reports, "While we were on a journey with Allaah's Messenger  he went a short distance from where we had encamped. There we saw a small bird with two of its chicks and caught them. The bird was fluttering when the Prophet came back, so he    asked, 'Who has distressed it by taking its chicks?' Then he asked us to return the chicks. There we also saw an anthill and burnt it out. When the Prophet saw that, he asked, 'Who has burnt it?' When we informed him that we had done it, he said, 'Only the Lord of fire has the right to punish with fire.’ This was the character of the Prophet (PBUH); he understood the difference between eco and ego. He did not treat other creatures negatively because he was bigger or thought himself to be more important. On the contrary, he went out of his way to protect and serve every living entity which crossed his path. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, "A man felt very thirsty while he was on the way, there he came across a well. He went down the well, quenched his thirst and came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself, "This dog is suffering from thirst as I did." So, he went down the well again, filled his shoe with water, held it with his mouth and watered the dog. Allah appreciated him for that deed and forgave him." The Companions said, "O Allah's Messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He replied: "There is a reward for serving any living being." (Bukhari)

Today people say “we are top of the food chain” -  that’s ego. We should say we are “eco-ual” The ecosystems are built on a delicate balance created by Allah (swt); a balance so delicate that if one creature is wiped out or removed for whatever reason the system fails and major catastrophes await.  So how are we responsible for disturbing this ordained balance? How could we hurt our one and only planet? We are doing it directly and indirectly. We are directly hurting ourselves and the creatures around us by clearing forests, mining, drilling for oil, etc. Indirectly we are poisoning ourselves and the environment via genetically modifying our food, pesticides, plastics, ruining our water supplies, etc. We need to see the big picture as Muslims. Is what am I doing harming another living being on Earth?

We are a species that would sacrifice our health for money, then we reach a point where we must spend that money to make ourselves healthy again. We do the same to the environment. We rape the land seeking its value, then when use our profits to fix our errors. Allaah has set severe punishments for those who damage and abuse natural resources. He says (what means): “Eat and drink from the provision of Allaah, and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption." [Quran 2:60] When you understand the cyclical nature of the environment, you see how you can turn problems into solutions.

The Quranic solution to the problem our environment is facing is, in a word, holistic. Living a truly Islamic life requires avoiding the evils of extravagance and the indulgence in materialism. The way that harmony can be grasped is by living within our means with the other creations Allah bestowed upon us.

If I destroy a person’s property that is called vandalism, but when corporations clear hundreds of acres of land, destroying the lives of millions of creatures we call it progress. This land is not inherited from our ancestors it is borrowed from our children and is a trust left to us by Allah (swt). The Prophet said, "Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold him accountable on the Day of Judgment."  The listeners asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is a just cause?" He replied, "That he will kill it to eat, not simply to chop off its head and then throw it away." (An-Nasa'i)

Abdullah ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, "A woman entered the (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she had tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Bukhari)

Today, with the increasing awareness of the dangers facing our planet and the great interest in green ideas, a reflection on the guidance of the Prophet in this area proves relevant. What is distinctive about the Prophet's approach to environmental issues is the connection he establishes between green practices and the Hereafter reward, which, represents for Muslims, an incentive greater than any worldly gain or reward. Thus, his lessons prompt a greater care for the Earth and more effort to conserve its resources. We are responsible for the effects of our actions, our purchases, and our lack of involvement in serving any living creature in need.

This planet and body is a TRUST from Allah. Make dua that Allah allows you to continue taking care of that trust.

Khaled Dardir has recently completed a Master of Science specializing in the chemistry and is currently enrolled as a student in Mishkah pursuing a bachelors in Islamic Studies. He is the founder and Chief Coordinator of the non-profit organization The Building Blocks of New Jersey whose mission is:To aid self development, promote activism, and bolster community building”

Photo Credit: paul bica


Ten Green Hadiths

Nature By: Muhammad Fathi Did the Prophet (peace and blssings be upon him) say anything about saving our planet? Did he promote any ideas or practices relevant to the world's growing concern about the future of the earth and its resources?

Today, with the increasing awareness of the dangers facing our planet and the great interest in green ideas, a reflection on the guidance of the Prophet in this area proves helpful and relevant. What is distinctive about the Prophet's approach to environmental issues is the connection he establishes between green practices and the Hereafter reward, which represents for Muslims an incentive greater than any worldly gain or reward and, as a result, prompts a greater care for the earth and more effort to conserve its resources.

Below is a collection of the Prophet's hadiths that, although said 14 centuries ago, are so relevant today. The green ideas are not novel, they are as old and well established as the religion of Islam is.

Plant a tree even if it is your last deed: 1. Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “If the Hour (the day of Resurrection) is about to be established and one of you was holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.” (Authinticated by Al-Albani) Planting trees is a renewable source of hasanat: 2. Anas also reported that the Prophet said, "If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift (sadaqah) for him." (Bukhari)

Conserve resources even when used for rituals: 3. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-`Aas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet passed one day by Sa`d ibn Abi Waqas (May Allah be pleased with him) while he was performing wudu' (ritual cleaning of body parts in preparation for prayer). The prophet asked Sa`d, "Why is this wastage?" Sa`d replied "Is there wastage in wudu also?" The Prophet said, "Yes, even if you are at a flowing river." (Ahmad and authenticated Ahmad Shakir)

Keeping environment clean is important: 4. Mu`adh (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet warned, "Beware of the three acts that cause you to be cursed: relieving yourselves in shaded places (that people utilize), in a walkway or in a watering place." (Ranked sound, hasan, by Al-Albani)

5. Abu Zarr Al-Ghafari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity (sadaqah)." (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

No for over-consumption! Consider recycling and fixing before buying new items: 6. Abdullah ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said, "The believer is not he who eats his fill while his neighbor is hungry." (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

7. Asked about what the Prophet used to do in his house, the Prophet's wife, `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), said that he used to repair his shoes, sow his clothes and used to do all such household works done by an average person. (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

8. The Prophet said, "Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold him accountable on the Day of Judgment."  The listeners asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is a just cause?" He replied, "That he will kill it to eat, not simply to chop off its head and then throw it away." (An-Nasa'i)   Animals should be cared for: 9. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, "A man felt very thirsty while he was on the way, there he came across a well. He went down the well, quenched his thirst and came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself, "This dog is suffering from thirst as I did." So, he went down the well again, filled his shoe with water, held it with his mouth and watered the dog. Allah appreciated him for that deed and forgave him." The Companions said, "O Allah's Messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He replied: "There is a reward for serving any living being." (Bukhari)

10. Abdullah ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, "A woman entered the (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she had tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Bukhari)

This article was originally published on on April 22 2013.

Photo Credit: kaybee07

Islam and Consumerism

Toronto Yonge-Dundas Square

By: Mohannad Hakeem

Consumerism is spreading like a plague in today’s culture. People are transformed into tireless shopping machines whose lifestyles are centered on malls, sales, and new offers. In the words of  Tyler Durden, from Fight Club, the movie:

"We’re consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don’t concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy’s name on my underwear”.

In the pre-Islamic era, also known as Jahiliyyah (period of ignorance), the Arabs were known for worshipping multiple idols, magnifying their dads and forefathers, adopting all their belief system, in addition to tribalism, racism and sexism. The Qur'an and the message of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) were revealed not only to solve those problems but also to provide guidance that fits all problems of humanity.

Nowadays, we are experiencing a newer version of Jahiliyyah that is centered on celebrities dictating our lifestyles (replacing idols and the forefathers), using women as sex-objects in advertising (which might not be so different from burying them alive), and the most important ritual that takes place at the temple of consumerism (malls): Shopping!

The H&H Perspective (Halal /Haram)

I know that many people expect answers about every single matter from an H&H (Halal and Haram) paradigm. If you are one of them then you may not want to continue reading this article because you will not find what you are looking for.

Instead, we will try to examine the etiquette of spending and dealing with money in Islam, and hence will leave the H/H answer up to you, based on YOUR understanding of YOUR situation.

BEWARE from Omar’s Stick

Jaber ibn `Abdillah narrates that `Umar ibn Khattab saw some meat in his hand. `Umar immediately asked: "what is this, Jaber?"

Jaber replied: I was craving for meat, so I managed to buy some. (It looks like meat was such a luxury item at that time, something we don’t think about these days).

`Umar said: So are you going to buy whenever you crave for something, Jaber? Don’t you fear that the following verse might apply to you:

{And the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "You exhausted your pleasures during your worldly life and enjoyed them …} (Al-Ahqaf 46:20)

While some people will counter this argument by quoting the hadith:

“Allah loves to see the traces of His blessings on His slave” (Tirmidhi)

It is interesting to note another narration of this hadith, which is preceded by the following:

“Enjoy eating and drinking without excessive spending and showing off, because Allah loves to see the traces of His blessings on His slave” (Narrated in Al-Mustadrak )

Keeping up with the Joneses

This is a well-known idiom in many parts of the English-speaking hemisphere, which refers to always comparing what you have (house, car, backyard, clothes, etc…) with what your neighbors, the Jones, own.

After starting as a comic strip holding the same name in 1913, this slogan redefined one of the pillars of modern consumerism: shopping and spending to show off and to compete with others, regardless of whether you need the goods or even if you can afford them  in the first place.

In the age of social media and satellite channels, the Jones need not to be your next door neighbors, they might be a random family living on the other part of the world. They are definitely not happy with what they have (if they really own it) and are trying to compete with their own version (or perception) of the Jones family, and this infinite loop continues endlessly.

No one can claim that the modern capitalism invented envy, which is a trait that existed in human beings since their creation, since the famous story of Habeel and Qabeel (Abel and Cain) (Al-Ma’idah 5:27-31).

In addition, greed was built into the creation of Adam himself (Ta-Ha 20:120). However, there is a big difference between having a negative trait that you recognize and try to cure and fight, and having this trait control your life, dictate the way you identify yourself and you look to others.

Therefore,“Keeping up with the Joneses” defines a culture of consumerism. The consumerism culture is becoming like a fire that is continuously ignited by the fuels of greed and envy.

Rich man with one garment

An interesting long story is narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari about Ka`b ibn Malik, a rich companion who did not join the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) during the expedition of Tabuk. To make a long story short, he was boycotted by the Muslims for fifty days, and no one was allowed to talk to him until further instructions are revealed from Allah in his matter.

 After this lengthy period of living alienated from the Muslim society, Allah accepted the repentance of Ka`b (At-Tawbah 9:118) and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) informed the Muslims about the happy news. Now listen to Ka`b himself, narrating how he got the good news:

While I was praying Fajr that morning on the rooftop of my house, I heard a man shouting on the top of Mount Sil`: ‘O Ka`b ibn Malik, rejoice!’

I fell prostrate, and I knew that relief had come.

The Prophet had announced my forgiveness during Fajr. A man came riding on a horse to bring me the news, but the voice of the other man on the mount has reached me first. So when I saw that man I gave him my garment as a way to thank him, and I had only one garment. So I borrowed an outfit and rushed to meet the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

While this story has lots of benefits and wisdom to learn from, it sheds the light on one important aspect in the life of the Companions, particularly the rich ones: They did not have a closet full of clothes and had to stand up next to it for half an hour to decide what to wear! Ka`b was known to be rich, and you may refer to the early part of this long story in Sahih Al-Bukhari for more information.

However, it was a well-known practice for them not to buy clothes more than their need (because of their proper understanding of Islam).

We really have to reframe our mindsets on how we define our needs, our budget, and our spending, if we want to achieve something in this world or in the afterlife.

{And do not make your hand [as] chained to your neck nor extend it completely and [thereby] become blamed and insolvent.} (Al-Israa’ 17:29)

Dr. Mohannad Hakeem holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. He is a youth counselor and motivational speaker in Greater Detroit area, Michigan, USA. This article was originally published on on March 24 2013.

Photo Credit: szeke


Alhamdulillah for Spring

Spring Image2 The “Alhamdulillah Series” was inspired by Ruzky Aliyar who featured a series of nature images with the tagline “Alhamdulillah”. The series was profiled on Muslim Matters during the Winter of 2012 and quickly drew praise for the simplicity of the message. Building upon this effort to remember the many blessings of Allah, has picked up the initiative and will continue to highlight the many signs of Allah.

“There truly are signs in this for people who reflect.” (Quran 13:3)

Photo Credit: Takashi(aes256)

Seven Ways You Can Save the Planet

Save the Environment

By Shehnaz Toorawa

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “The world is green and beautiful and God has appointed you as His stewards over it. He sees how you acquit yourselves…” (Muslim).

Allah tells us in numerous verses of the Quran, that He has created everything on Earth—animals, rain, plants, oceans, stars, the sun, the moon—for the benefit of humans. With these favours comes the role of Khalifah, or guardianship.

The Quran tells us,“He it is Who has placed you as viceroys of the earth and has exalted some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by (the test of) that which He has given you” (6:165).

Today the planet is in a mess. Deforestation, desertification, water pollution, air pollution, soil erosion, extinction of species and the dwindling of resources indicate that humans are not fulfilling their role of Khalifah adequately. What can we do to fulfill our responsibility to protect the Earth? Here are seven small, but effective steps each of us can take to begin the process:

1. Buy less, consume less, waste less. On average, an individual in a developed nation consumes twice as much grain, twice as much fish, three times as much meat, nine times as much paper, and eleven times as much gasoline as an individual in a developing nation. (1)

Yet, shopping malls, TV commercials, flyers, billboards, and the fashion industry continually tell us we don’t have enough and we need to buy more. The 12 percent of the world’s population that lives in North America and Western Europe accounts for 60 percent of the world’s private consumption spending.(2) The Quran correctly describes our materialistic society in the verse, “The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things) until you visit the graves” (102:1-2).

While North Americans squander wealth and waste it in luxuries, 825 million people in the world are undernourished (3), 2.4 billion live without basic sanitation, and one billion lack adequate shelter.(4) Destruction of forests, desertification of grasslands, water pollution, depletion of fossil fuels, and the collapse of fisheries around the world warn us that the world’s resources are limited—certainly not enough to support the lifestyle habits of an average North American. In the Quran, God warns us not to take more than our share of the world’s resources:“…Do not squander (your wealth) wastefully. Surely the squanderers are the fellows of the Devils” (17:26).

In a world of limited resources, we have an obligation to resist consumer culture and squelch the urge to buy, consume, and eventually waste. The words of the Prophet (pbuh) are a beautiful example of how to live:“Be in the world as if you were a stranger or a traveller along a path” (Bukhari).“The best livelihood is the bare minimum” (Ahmad).

The Quran reminds us that we will be accountable for every item we own and resource we use:“Then (on the day of judgement) you will certainly be questioned about all the favours you enjoyed” (102:8).

Next time you’re in line at the cash register, ask yourself if you really need what you’re buying or if you can live without it.

2. Reduce your shower time to five minutes. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Excess in the use of water is forbidden, even if you have the resources of a whole river” (Tirmidhi).

Ever noticed how long you spend in the shower? A five-minute shower consumes 100 litres of water. (5) That may not sound like much, but consider that less than one half of one percent of all water on Earth is fresh water for human use. The rest is sea water or frozen in polar ice caps.(6) Every person on Earth has a share in this water, yet 20% of the world’s population already lacks access to an adequate supply of clean drinking water.(7) While the average Canadian uses 335 litres of water per day, the average sub-Saharan African survives on 10-20 litres per day.(8) The Prophet (pbuh) would perform ghusl, a complete bath, with one Sa’ of water—that’s just 1.6 litres. In a world where water scarcity and pollution are increasing, every drop counts.

3. Buy locally grown food, without the packaging Where does the food you eat come from? The local farm or a land far away? In the United States, the average food item travels 2,500–4,000 kilometers.(9) The farther food travels before it reaches your plate, the less money the rural farmer retains. Multinational corporations that haul, package, and process the food collect a larger portion of the profit.

The farther food travels, the more energy it consumes for pesticides, preservatives, ripening, packaging, processing, transportation and sales. Eating local food results in a healthier diet, more equitable profit distribution, less energy consumption and less environmental pollution.

4. Take the transit or walk more often Cars not only guzzle the world’s dwindling supply of fossil fuels, but the burning of those fuels contributes to urban smog, acid rain, and other air quality problems. Cars produce large volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. The average car produces about 2.4 kilograms of CO2 for every litre of gasoline‚ or three to four times its own weight in CO2 every year. (10) This means more air pollution, more extreme weather and storms, more water contamination and more diseases.

Public transit, cycling or walking are simple ways to reduce energy consumption, improve air quality and lead a healthier lifestyle. If you normally drive to work, take the transit once a week for a refreshing change.

5. Install energy-saving bulbs and appliances in your home North Americans consume 30% of the world’s energy—an amount similar to that consumed collectively by all developing countries, holding more than 80% of the world’s population. While we may flick the light switch without a second thought, 2 billion people in the world lack access to electricity or other modern energy supplies.(11)

While it may be impossible for North Americans to forego the luxuries of electricity, heat, stoves, dishwashers and microwaves, we can reduce our energy consumption through efficiency. Europeans have done it—although they lead a similar lifestyle, people in the United States and Canada consume 2.4 times as much energy at home as those in Western Europe. (12) Home appliances are the world’s fastest-growing energy consumers after automobiles, accounting for 30 percent of industrial countries’ electricity consumption.(13) The good news is that energy-efficient lighting and appliances have become common in the North American market. Making your home energy efficient is an easy and effective way to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing convenience.

6. Eat more vegetables Vegetables capture energy for growth directly from a renewable source—the sun, while meat production in industrial countries requires a high input of non-renewable fossil fuel energy. When farmers raise animals on pasture, they require little grain, consume little energy and their manure becomes valuable agricultural fertilizer. Today, in most industrial nations, rather than being pasture-fed, corporations raise animals in factory farms that consume huge quantities of grain, water, hormones, and electricity and produce tonnes of toxic wastes. Producing one calorie of beef or poultry requires 11–17 calories of feed.(14) Producing 8 ounces of beef requires 25,000 litres of water.(15) This means that a diet high in grain-fed meat requires two to four times more land than a vegetarian diet. Health is another consideration—the crowded conditions of factory farms along with an absence of waste recycling make livestock easy targets for disease.

The Prophet (pbuh) allowed us to eat meat and, like all other foods, meat is one of Allah’s favours that He permits us to enjoy. However, we need to apply the principle of moderation, a key aspect of the Prophet’s lifestyle, in our diet. Eating more vegetables, without abandoning meat, can make a significant difference in the amount of natural resources each of us consumes. Next time you bite into that steak, think of the energy that went into producing it.

7. Recycle and compost Canadians generate approximately 1.7 kg of waste per person per day.(16) When we use recycled materials along with recycling and composting our household waste, we significantly reduce our energy consumption and waste production. Producing aluminium from recycled material, for example, requires 95 percent less energy than manufacturing it from raw materials.(17) Keep in mind that having a recycling box or a compost bin doesn’t justify consuming more and wasting more. Reducing consumption is still the best way to reduce our impact on the environment.

Where do you Stand? Calculate Your Ecological Footprint The ecological footprint is a tool that assesses the environmental impact of an individual, a region or an activity. Your ecological footprint indicates the amount of biologically productive land area required to support your lifestyle based on the amount of resources you use and the amount of wastes you produce. Calculations show that the planet has available 1.9 hectares of biologically productive land per person to supply resources and absorb wastes—yet the average person on Earth already uses 2.3 hectares worth. These “ecological footprints” range from 9.7 hectares claimed by the average American to 0.47 hectares used by the average Mozambican.(18) Calculate your ecological footprint and discover your impact on the planet at The results may shock you!

Shehnaz Toorawa is a teacher with a degree in education,  professional writing and geography. She also holds a Shariah degree from the American Open University. She is a busy homeschooling mother of three and is active in the Toronto community and currently host a blog called myinkspiration.

Endnotes: (1) Gregory Mock, “How Much Do We Consume,” World Resources June 2000, 22 Feb. 2006 (2) The Worldwatch Institute, “The State of Consumption Today,” State of the World 2004 Jan 2004, 22 Feb. 2006 (3) Ibid. (4) Molly O’Meara Sheehan, “Urbanization,” 22 Feb. 2006 (5) Environment Canada, “Quickfacts,” 22 Feb. 2006 (6) Maude Barlow, Blue Gold (Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, 2002). (7) Diane R. Ward, Water Wars (New York: Riverhead Books, 2002) (8) Environment Canada, “Quickfacts.” (9) The Worldwatch Institute, “Watching What We Eat,” State of the World 2004 Jan 2004, 22 Feb. 2006 (10) Natural Resources Canada, “Climate Change—We’re All Part of the Solution,” 25 Jan. 2006, 22 Feb. 2006 (11) People and The Planet, “Energy: Supply and Demand,” 16 Jan. 2003, 22 Feb. 2006 (12) The Worldwatch Institute, “Making Better Energy Choices,” State of the World 2004 Jan 2004, 22 Feb. 2006 (13) Ibid. (14) The Worldwatch Institute, “Watching What We Eat.” (15) People and The Planet, “Deadly Impact of Growing Demand for Meat,” 7 Jul. 2004, 22 Feb. 2006 (16) Environment Canada, “An Environmental Citizen…Who Me?” 22 Feb. 2006 (17) The Worldwatch Institute, “Making Better Energy Choices.” (18) The Worldwatch Institute, “The State of Consumption Today.”

Photo credit from slightly everything

How We Began a Green Movement at our Muslim Students Association


by Tesneem Alkiek and Layth Dahbour The Green Muslims Initiative (GM) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is two-fold. Firstly, we hope to educate and implement environmentally sustainable habits that can be easily adopted by our campus community. Secondly, as we are a new initiative under the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), we want to create a clear connection between the importance of environmental conservatism and the faith of Islam. In our first year we already have made major changes in the way the MSA, as an organization, treats the environment, hosted events that educate our community of habits that they can adopt, discussed several connections between the protecting the environment and Islam, and provided college students with opportunities to get further involved with green activities on campus.

We hit the ground running and started our year off by inviting Chaplain Nuri Friedlander of Harvard to shed light on the Islamic importance of living green. One of our greatest investments has been using reusable plates, cups, and utensils at all of our MSA events! In addition, we have found a homeless shelter in our community that accepts all the extra food left over at the MSA events.

Our biggest event this year was the “Green Week” that happened in early February. Throughout this week, we put a green twist on MSA weekly events. We held a “Green” Mini-Qiyam where one of our community members who studies Environmental Science explained to us that our role as Muslims is to be stewards of the Earth that Allah (swt) has blessed us with. GM also hosted the MSA’s first ever “Brothers vs. Sisters Cook-off.” This event was meant to teach our community the importance of buying local, organic food, in order to minimize the impact we have on the environment.

The Green Muslim Initiative’s Green Week schedule

Prior to the cook-off, we had a workshop on simple steps that we can incorporate into our daily lives, in order to protect the environment in general, and the University of Michigan campus more specifically. This is part of UM’s new Planet Blue Ambassador Program. To conclude the week, the Green Muslims Initiative influenced a “Green” Friday khutbah and also hosted a trip of volunteers at the local arboretum where we cut down invasive species from their natural habitats.

Looking forward, the Green Muslims Initiative hopes to continue providing the Muslim community and the overall campus community with opportunities to be more educated and involved in environmental sustainability. In the future we hope to implement regular services that encourage college students to be more conscious of how they treat the Earth. Strategies to do this include collaborating with campus offices and student organizations in Ann Arbor and elsewhere.

We also want to continually remind the members of our community that our faith emphasizes our role as stewards of the environment. It is through verses like the one below that drive the progress of GM:

“But waste not in excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters” (6:141), (7:31)

Tesneem Alkiek has completed her sophomore year at the University of Michigan, studying Early Christianity and Islamic Studies. She is currently the Community Service cochair for the MSA. Layth Dahbour is a junior majoring in Political Science and Biomolecular Science and has become involved with Green Muslims to learn more about Islam and environmentalism.

If you have questions or comments about the Green Muslims Initiative at the University of Michigan, please feel free to e-mail

Originally published online on April 26 2013 on Green Muslims, (


Going green not new in Islam


By: Amal Al-Sibai

The green movement is now sweeping nations that have finally opened their eyes to the detrimental effects of human behavior on the planet and the erratic climatic changes that have occurred as a result of human activities. This trendy movement calls for green buildings, green schools, water conservation, and using public transportation to reduce the number of cars on the road and thus reduce the harmful vehicle emissions that contribute to air pollution.

Environmental preservation, respecting the Earth and its resources, and going green is not new in Islam but Muslims have lost their connection with Islamic traditions and have forgotten their bond to the Earth.

Before the name environmentalist was even coined, Islam taught us that mankind is connected to the Earth and must live in balance with what he/she takes from it.

This verse from the Holy Qur’an elevates the status of the Earth and shows its importance in human existence as it was part of human creation and will be the resting place after death: “Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you.”- Surah 20:55

The tree, the prime symbol of environmental protection, is likewise highly valued in Islam. Planting a tree was encouraged by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and was considered an act that would reap the planter great rewards from Allah.

The Prophet said, “If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charity (sadaqah) for him.”

Planting a tree and spreading the benefits that the community would enjoy from the tree was considered so important that the Prophet said, “If the Day of Judgment erupts while you are planting a new tree, carry on and plant it.”

Modern day science confirms the wisdom behind the Islamic emphasis on planting and nurturing trees. Trees in the environment act as an air filter, keeping our air cleaner by absorbing harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is one of the major contributing elements to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Trees trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and make carbohydrates that are used for plant growth. They give us oxygen in return. A fully-grown tree can absorb roughly 22 kgs of carbon dioxide a year. The tree in turn releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in large cities.

Did you know that trees could help save energy and reduce the cost of your electricity bill? Planting trees around your home can help cool your home in the summer. Researchers claim that the overall effect of the shade provided by a healthy tree is equivalent to an air-conditioner running for 20 hours a day! Trees shade buildings, streets, and homes. If enough trees are planted in cities, the overall microclimate improves and total energy use for cooling is reduced.

The recent outbreak of water shortages in Jeddah is a sharp reminder that our vital natural resources are finite. Islam has instructed Muslims against wasting and exploiting the treasures of the Earth. It is part of our Islamic tradition to use water wisely and we should teach it to our children.

In Islam, it is recommended that water be used sparingly, even while performing the religious duty of ablution — wudoo. The Prophet criticized excessive use of water and he was known to use only half a liter of water during ablution.

He said, “Do not waste water, even if you perform your ablution on the banks of an abundantly-flowing river.”

Cleanliness of the body and surroundings is imperative in Islam. It is truly tragic and confusing to witness the extent of waste and garbage thrown by the seaside, in parks, on the streets, and in neighborhoods in almost every city of the Kingdom. Littering is clearly admonished in our religion yet most members of the society take it lightly to throw garbage out the car window for example.

If the following Hadith was taught and applied in our daily lives, the present scenes of our streets and natural attractions would be much different, “Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity (sadaqah).”

Balance and harmony is to be sought after in Islam, and any disruption in the equilibrium of the planet will have profound negative effects on human health. Muslims have a responsibility to protect the environment, as stewards of the Earth.

Islam teaches that all things were created in perfect balance and measurement. There is a purpose behind all living and non-living things; and each has an important role to play in the balance. Allah gave human beings certain knowledge, which allows us to use the natural world to meet our needs, but we are not given free license to exploit it at whim. We are not masters who rule over the earth, but servants of Allah with a responsibility to maintain the balance, which He has created.

Allah has said in the Holy Qur’an, “O children of Adam! Eat and drink but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.” - Surah 7:31

Originally published online on April 15 2012 in the Saudi Gazette newspaper, Muslim Link (

Interfaith Gardening Initiative Empowers Youth

Seeds Project Graphic Although it may not feel like we are entering the final stretch of April, Spring is definitely in the air and gardeners across the country are eager to get the planting season underway.

Faith communities are also making preparations for their community gardens and are busy incorporating religious and spiritual teachings into the design and cultivation of their plots.

In keeping with the spirit of faith-based community engagement, Seeds, Sprouts & Scriptures: The Jewish-Muslim Youth Planting Project is set to take place on April 28, 2013.

This unique workshop will provide an opportunity for youth in both communities to connect with their spiritual roots and explore the ecological framework that are common in both the Muslims and Jewish traditions.

The goal of the event is meant to facilitate a discussion between both communities - to help Muslims and Jewish youth connect with their roots by planting seeds and learning more about what their traditions have to say about environmental repair.

The hope is that this initiative will help spark a commitment to meaningful dialogue, cooperation and sustainability among Jewish and Muslim youth.

“Exploring the natural world helps us see how deeply connected we all are, both to other humans and to all forms of life, big and small,” explains Shari Golberg, facilitator of the workshop. “I think that for many people, the intricacies of nature are signs of the divine imprint in the world, which is an idea repeated throughout the Quran.”

Sabrina Malach, Director of Community Outreach at Shoresh adds, “If a person believes in a Creator, then they likely acknowledge that nature is part of the Creator's creation. Nature is G-d's work and humans manipulate it for better or worse. When we are in contact with nature, we are arguably, closer to the Divine Creator.”

The workshop is divided into several portions, including a textual background of the religious scriptures, small group discussions about the teachings, and a creative planting component meant to apply the lessons learned.

The interactive format is meant to bring together the two communities around their shared beliefs and strengthen their connection to nature.

“The Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, emphasized that human beings are stewards of the earth; our responsibility is to care for her well-being and all of the creatures that live here,” says Asma Ali, Outreach Director at the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) which is collaborating on the event. “We want to follow his example and adhere to his teachings, which is why we participate in these important initiatives.”

MAC has been a pioneer in implementing green initiatives at their centres and schools and has performed green audits and implemented recycling and waste reduction programs in a number of their buildings.

In 2010-2011, Olive Grove School was selected by EcoSource to be a “Green School” and the Rose City Islamic Centre has planned and budgeted for the installation of solar panels on its roof.

“Our plan is to foster environmental conscientiousness in our youth who will become leaders of our centres and activities in the future. We would like them to implement stewardship projects throughout our activities in the future, God-willing,” Asma added.

Those interested in participating in the workshop are encouraged to sign up online at:,-Scriptures.htm

The Seeds, Sprouts & Scriptures: The Jewish-Muslim Youth Planting Project workshop is a collaborative effort between Shema and Iqra': The Jewish-Muslim Text-Study Project, Shoresh: Jewish Environmental Programs and The Muslim Association of Canada, with the support of the University of Toronto, Multi-faith Centre. is a proud sponsor of this initiative.



Islam and Earth Day

Earth Day By: Joshua Brockwell

In the Quran, Islam’s revealed text, men and women are viewed as God’s vicegerents on Earth. (2:30) God created nature in a balance (“al-mizan”) and mankind’s responsibility is to maintain this fragile equilibrium through wise governance and sound personal conduct.

The Quran also describes the believing men and women as those who “walk on the Earth in humility.” (25:63) Scholars have interpreted this verse, and others like it, to mean that Muslims are to protect nature’s many bounties given to them by the Almighty. Preservation is therefore more than a good policy recommendation – it is a commandment from God.

There are more than 700 verses in the Quran that exhort believers to reflect on nature.

For example, the Quran states: “And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers; and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two; He draweth the night as a veil over the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider.” (13:3)

According to Islamic beliefs, the Earth is a sanctuary in which mankind was made to dwell in comfort. The vast oceans, forests and mountains that make up this bountiful planet have been subdued by God for our enjoyment and productive use.

Further, God compels Muslims in the Quran to respect and revere the environment when He says, “Greater indeed than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and the earth.” (40:57)

The Prophet Muhammad told his followers they would be rewarded by God for taking care of the Earth. He said: “If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 8:41) He also compared Muslims to a “fresh tender plant” that bends, but does not break, when afflicted with life’s inevitable calamities. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 7:547)

Another tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, or hadith, quotes him as saying: “If the Hour (Judgment Day) is about to be established and one of you is holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.”

An example of Muslims taking ownership of their divine obligation to protect the environment was seen recently when the people of Tanzania reversed a growing trend toward ecological destruction through a policy of sustainable fishing and environmental preservation based on the principles of the Quran.

Prior to implementation of the educational program, over-harvesting by fishermen on the Muslim-majority island of Misali had threatened the area’s aquatic ecosystem. But thanks to an indigenous campaign to remind local inhabitants of Islam’s respect for nature, those who earn their living from the sea learned the benefits of protecting the region’s biodiversity.

In Islamic history, Ottoman civilization provides us with another example of the seriousness with which Muslims have traditionally taken their environmental obligations. Ottoman viziers, or ministers, advising the sultan on matters of administration and policy regularly encouraged moratoria on matters deemed potentially damaging to future generations.

Innovations in technology, for example, were hotly debated among scholars, all of whom recognized the importance of considering the long-term impact on both society and the environment.

In Islam, even the Earth has inalienable rights endowed by its Creator.

Sound ecological principles are not limited to Islam, and should be acted upon by practitioners of other faiths. Together we can tackle the environmental problems that besiege our planet.

On this year’s Earth Day, people of all faiths should take time to examine their own faith tradition’s advice for taking care of the Earth that we share.

Photo Credit: katerha

This article was originally published April 7, 2011 in advance of the 35th anniversary of Earth Day.

Muslims across the world to celebrate Earth Day by ‘Greening their Deen’

Mosque Entrance By: Muneeb Nasir

(April 14, 2013) – Muslims across the world will be encouraged to ‘Green their Deen’ on Friday, April 19th, 2013,  as religious leaders will deliver a sermon as part of the Annual Green Khutbah Campaign  to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity.

“We are encouraging mosques, schools, universities and Islamic Institutions to devote their Friday Khutbah to celebrate the blessings, graces and beauty of all of God’s creation and to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity,” Muaz Nasir, the publisher of the Canadian environmental website, and one of the organizers of the campaign, told IQRA.

“This year’s ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ challenge is to request all Muslims to commit to the 3 C  action plan – to consume less,  conserve more and care for the environment,” Nasir added.

The Campaign was launched last year and saw Imams across the North America and Europe deliver a message that reminded their congregations of the Qur’anic message to be stewards of the earth and its environment.

The ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ commemorates Earth Day which will take place on April 22 and the organizers are hoping to extend the campaign to other Muslim communities across the world.

The Campaign has been picked up in other parts of the world with Muslims in Thailand and South Africa pledging to deliver a ‘green’ Khutbah.

The first Earth Day, held on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

More than 1 billion people across the world now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

Environmental concern among the global public is on the wane, according to a GlobeScan which tracked public concern on six environmental issues in its annual Radar global poll.

The poll found that across eighteen countries, public concern about water pollution, fresh water shortages, natural resource depletion, air pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss is way down from its peak in 2009.

“The period since 2009 has witnessed the most sustained period of economic strife in most of the world’s major economies for the better part of a century,” wrote GlobScan’s Director, Sam Mountford, in an article on “And bluntly, for many citizens, these appear to pose a much clearer and more present threat to their well-being than environmental jeopardy, which for most people remains hidden from view.”

However, Muaz Nasir says that Muslims cannot tune out from the environmental damage.

“Tuning out would mean that we are disregarding our moral responsibility to God’s creation,” he said.

“Those who violate or abuse the Trust are described in the Qur’an as those who corrupt, degrade and bring ruin on earth,” Nasir added. “The corrupters abuse the Trust and are in clear contrast to what Muslims must be – the stewards of the earth.”

An extensive online resource has been created by ( to support the campaign and Islamic organizations and well-known leaders are throwing their support behind the initiative.

Muneeb Nasir is a well-known community activist, writer and public speaker on religious and societal matters and is highly respected for his knowledge and involvement in religious and current affairs.

He is the Managing Editor of the online magazine website,, which provides a Muslim perspective on current issues  and a freelance contributor to a number of online web sites. He was the Managing Editor of the IMPRINT newspaper and Editor of the community magazines, AN-NUR and Al-Basheer

Photo Credit: peanut99

Green Khutbah Campaign 2013

Go Green GK Assalaamu ‘alaikum, wa Rahmatullah, wa Barakatuhu,

The annual ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ has been scheduled for Friday, April 19 2013, InshaAllah, to coincide with Earth Day 2013.

We are kindly requesting you to join the campaign and encourage your Imam and Khateeb to devote their Friday Khutbah on this day to celebrate the blessings, graces and beauty of all of Allah’s creation and to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity.

The ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ is aiming to challenge Muslims to become stewards of the environment by making changes to their daily routines.

Although the evidence of environmental damage is stronger than ever, the public is starting to tune out due to the recent economic crisis and a lack of political leadership.

But Muslims cannot tune out from the environmental damage - tuning out would mean that we are disregarding our moral responsibility to Allah’s creation.

Those who violate or abuse the Trust are described in the Qur’an as those who corrupt, degrade and bring ruin on earth (mufsidin fi’l-Ard). The corrupters (mufsidin fi’l-Ard) abuse the Trust (amana) and are in clear contrast to what Muslims must be - the stewards of the earth (khulafa fi’l-Ard).

This year’s ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ challenge is to request all Muslims to commit to the 3 C  action plan:

1) Consume less, 2) Conserve more and 3) Care for the environment

Please visit the website,, for more information and where you will find links to resources which can provide you with sample Khutbahs and resources to engage the congregation.

Please let us know if your Centre will join the campaign and if you will be delivering a Khutbah on the environment on Friday, April 19th, InshaAllah.

We kindly ask that you sign up your Mosque/Center for the ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ by responding through the form on the website; all participating Imams, Khateebs, Mosques, Centers and supporters will be listed on the website.

Wassalaamu ‘alaikum,

Muaz Nasir

Publisher/Editor –


Alhamdulillah for Birds



"And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead." [ Allah ] said, "Have you not believed?" He said, "Yes, but [I ask] only that my heart may be satisfied." [ Allah ] said, "Take four birds and commit them to yourself. Then [after slaughtering them] put on each hill a portion of them; then call them - they will come [flying] to you in haste. And know that Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise." (Quran, 2:260)

Photo Credit: the real Kam75

The “Alhamdulillah Series” was inspired by Ruzky Aliyar who featured a series of nature images with the tagline “Alhamdulillah”. The series was profiled on Muslim Matters during the Winter of 2012 and quickly drew praise for the simplicity of the message. Building upon this effort to remember the many blessings of Allah, has picked up the initiative and will continue to highlight the many signs of Allah.

“There truly are signs in this for people who reflect.” (Quran 13:3)


Canadian Muslims join millions worldwide for Earth Hour

Earth Hour By: Muneeb Nasir

Canadian Muslims marked Earth Hour on Saturday evening in Toronto with a candlelit dinner and conversation about climate change and the current state of the environment.

“Earth Hour is a global movement that unites individuals in protecting the environment,” Muaz Nasir, Founder of the Think Green Khutbah Campaign and, told IQRA.

“The simple action of turning off the lights raises awareness of broader environmental issues that affect us now and have implications on future generations.”

The event, themed Lights OFF – Earth ON, was organized Saturday, March 23, by the up-and-coming civic engagement group, CivicMuslims, and the Muslim Students Association at the University of Toronto and held at the University of Toronto’s Multi-Faith Center.

It featured a showing of the popular short documentary, The Story of Stuff, and presentations by a number of environmental leaders in the Canadian Muslim community.

“To celebrate our organization’s first year we couldn’t have asked for a better event that brings this many people together to celebrate Earth Hour,” Mohamed Awad, Founder of CivicMuslims told IQRA.

“We’re spending a candlelit evening together and enjoying dinner but at the same time we’re learning about environmental issues and coming together over this cause.”

Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund (WWF) and held towards the end of March annually.

Earth Hour first took place in 2007 and many other cities around the world adopted the event in the following year.

It aims to encourage households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change.

This year, it is estimated that people in more than 7,000 cities and towns around the world turned off lights for an hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time.

Toronto’s electricity demand is estimated to have dropped 205 megawatts, or roughly seven percent during Earth Hour.

This is equivalent to removing about 92,000 homes off Toronto’s electricity grid.

Earth Hour2

Green Khutbah

The evening’s program began with a showing of The Story of Stuff, a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of production and consumption patterns.

Following the documentary, there were a number of short responses by panelists, Dr. Hind Al-Abadleh, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Associate Director of the Center for Women in Science at Wilfrid Laurier University; Afeefa Karim, Assistant Director of the Regenesis Project; and Aasiya Hussain, Founder of Ecohesian Inc. and Site Coordinator of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup at Finch Meander in Rouge Park.

“A consumer-based society, our business as usual activities, are forcing the natural equilibrium to shift in one direction only and that is the direction of depletion and pollution and weakening the whole system from self renewal and self recovery,” said Dr. Hind in response to the documentary.

“In doing so, we’re compromising our health and well-being and also compromising our future generations to meet their needs.”

Afeefa Karim, Assistant Director of the Regenesis Project, asked the audience to be aware of the effects of a consumption based culture.

“One of the most dangerous aspects of consumerism is its ability to create, sustain and impose norms on every aspect of our lives, from norms of how we should dress to norms about how we should work or about how we should feel, norms of social interaction, spending lifestyle etc,” she said.

“Be sure that we remember that it is not the material things, like the actual cell phones or computers that we have that are good or bad, but it is the priority that we have and the role that we accord them that is problematic and we need to be very critical of that.

“The theme of this event was devoted to environmental and social impacts of consumerism and the panel touched upon the importance of re-evaluating our purchasing habits and taking into consideration the entire lifespan of these consumer goods,” said Nasir, the founder of the Think Green Khutbah Campaign.

“There are several references in the Quran that warn us against waste and consuming in excess.”

Earth Hour3

The annual Green Khutbah Campaign was also launched at Saturday’s evening event.

“The goal of the Campaign is to raise awareness of environmental issues within the broader Muslim Community,” said Nasir who founded the Green Khutbah Campaign last year.

“On Friday April 19th, 2013, imams are being requested to deliver a Khutbah on an environmental topic to raise awareness on the challenges facing humanity.

“We look forward to the second year of CivicMuslims and we hope to have more initiatives like these to raise awareness about issues in our community,” added Mohamed Awad, Founder of CivicMuslims.

Muneeb Nasir is a well-known community activist, writer and public speaker on religious and societal matters and is highly respected for his knowledge and involvement in religious and current affairs.

He is the Managing Editor of the online magazine website,, which provides a Muslim perspective on current issues  and a freelance contributor to a number of online web sites. He was the Managing Editor of the IMPRINT newspaper and Editor of the community magazines, AN-NUR and Al-Basheer